Notices eProcurement System for PSUs under MoD
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Organisation Chain Hindustan Shipyard Limited||MAIN PURCHASE
Tender Reference Number MP/3400000437/2021 Dated - 09 Mar 2021
Tender ID 2021_HSL_85355_1 Withdrawal Allowed Yes
Tender Type Open Tender Form Of Contract Supply
Tender Category Goods No. of Covers 2
General Technical Evaluation Allowed No ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed No
Payment Mode Offline Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ No
Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
S.No Instrument Type
2 Bank Guarantee
Cover No Cover Type Description Document Type
1 Fee/PreQual/Technical Techno-Commercial Bid .pdf
Notice Inviting Tender duly signed. .pdf
Duly filled, signed and Compliance to Tender Technical Specification .pdf
Duly filled and signed commercial questionnaire (Indigenous) .pdf
Submission of Bid Security Declaration as per Format. .pdf
Any deviations to Technical / Standard commercial conditions. .pdf
Self-declaration for MSME as per Format .pdf
MSME Certificate (Latest). .pdf
Declaration of Integrity Packt .pdf
Undertaking De-listing / Banding as per format. .pdf
Percentage of Content in letter Head. (How much Indigenous and Import). .pdf
Any other supporting document .pdf
2 Finance Price bid / BOQ .xls
Price break-up statement .pdf
Document download date is over you cannot download the documents
Tender Fee in ₹ 1,180
Fee Payable To Hindustan Shipyard Limited Fee Payable At Visakhapatnam
Tender Fee Exemption Allowed Yes
EMD Amount in ₹ 0.00 EMD Exemption Allowed No
EMD Fee Type fixed EMD Percentage NA
EMD Payable To Nil EMD Payable At Nil
Title Magazine Sprinkling System for VC11190-91
Work Description Magazine Sprinkling System for VC11190-91
NDA/Pre Qualification Please refer Tender documents.
Independent External Monitor/Remarks NA
Tender Value in ₹ NA Product Category Miscellaneous Goods Sub category NA 
Contract Type Tender Bid Validity(Days) 180 Period Of Work(Days) 30 
Location Hindustan Shipyard Limited Pincode 530005 Pre Bid Meeting Place NA 
Pre Bid Meeting Address NA  Pre Bid Meeting Date NA  Bid Opening Place Hindustan Shipyard Limited
Should Allow NDA Tender No  Allow Preferential Bidder No
Published Date 10-Mar-2021 12:00 PM Bid Opening Date 21-May-2021 03:00 PM
Document Download / Sale Start Date 10-Mar-2021 12:00 PM Document Download / Sale End Date 21-May-2021 11:00 AM
Clarification Start Date NA Clarification End Date NA
Bid Submission Start Date 10-Mar-2021 12:00 PM Bid Submission End Date 21-May-2021 11:00 AM
NIT Document
S.No Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf NIT 878.73
Work Item Documents
S.No Document Type Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tender Documents RFQ.pdf Digital Signature RFQ 195.54
2 Tender Documents Undertaking-Non-Debarment.pdf Digital Signature Undertaking De-listing / Banding as per format. 403.07
3 Tender Documents SOTR.pdf Digital Signature SOTR 527.41
4 Tender Documents Price-Format437.pdf Digital Signature PRICE FORMAT 412.63
5 Tender Documents Optional-Price-Format.pdf Digital Signature OPTIONAL PRICE FORMAT 526.03
6 Tender Documents MSME-Declaration.pdf Digital Signature MSME DECLARATION 83.97
7 Tender Documents List-of-Deliverabley.pdf Digital Signature LIST OF DELIVER 710.33
8 Tender Documents Integrity-Pact.pdf Digital Signature INTEGRITY PACT 1690.32
9 Tender Documents CQ.pdf Digital Signature CQ 726.15
10 Tender Documents Check-List.pdf Digital Signature CHECK LIST 196.94
11 Tender Documents BIDs-Security-Declaration.pdf Digital Signature Submission of Bid Security Declaration as per Format 170.38
12 BOQ BOQ_94637.xls Digital Signature BOQ / PRICE BID 284.50
S.No Corrigendum Title Corrigendum Type View
2 Corrigendum 2 Other
Name BK Sinha, M (Purchase)
Address Mr. BK Sinha, M (Purchase) 9493792693
Visitor No:4256359
Contents owned and maintained by respective departments/PSUs under Ministry of Defence